Whether you believe it or not, stress can affect your smile and oral health in more ways than you might realize. In fact, it can cause canker sores, jaw pain, gum recession, and more. This is why it’s important to keep your smile in mind this holiday season. We all know the holidays can be quite stressful. To help you maintain a healthy smile when you’re stressed in Vienna, Virginia, our dentist, Dr. Neal Emad, encourages you to do the following things:
-Release your stress (You can do this by exercising, getting a massage, or taking part in physical therapy)
-Share your feelings with someone you trust (Sharing can help take the weight off your shoulders)
-Find time to relax your mind and meditate
-Eliminate the cause of stress in your life (This is the best way to improve the way you feel)
-Keep up on oral hygiene by brushing twice a day and flossing and rinsing daily
-Attend your dental checkups every six months (These are vital for a top-notch oral health)
-Have a balanced and tooth-healthy diet (Consume plenty of fruits, vegetables, and dairy products)
-Get plenty of rest
Call Nova Dental Care today at 703-938-7615 if you have any questions or if you would like to know more. Our dental team is here to give you the information you need so you can have the top-notch smile you deserve. So, please don’t be afraid to contact us. We look forward to your phone call!